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Yıl |
1 | Receiver Aperture Averaging of Annular Beams Propagating Through Turbulant Atmosphere | Optical Engineering | C. Kamacıoğlu, Y. Baykal, E. Yazgan | Makale | Evet | Aralık 2014 |
2 | Analysis of Annular Ring Microstrip Antenna with Air Gap and Uniaxial Substrate Superstrate Layers | Wireless Personal Communications | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Makale | Evet | Eylül 2014 |
3 | Tracking of Real Airborne Targets with Multistatic Passive Radars in 3D | 15 th Int. Radar Semposium | M. B. , E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Haziran 2014 |
4 | Kargo ve Jet Savaş Uçaklarının Pasif Sensör Kullanılarak İki Boyutta İzlenmesi | Savunma Teknolojileri Sempozyumu, SAVTEK 2014 | B. Manavoğlu, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Haziran 2014 |
5 | Aperture Averaging of Focused Multi-Gaussian Beams | 34. th Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium | C. Kamacıoğlu, Y. Baykal, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Ağustos 2013 |
6 | Uygulamalı Elektromanyetiğin Temelleri | Nobel Yayınevi | E. Yazgan | Kitap çevirisi | | Ağustos 2013 |
7 | Aperture Averaging of Focused Multi-Gaussian Beams | Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium | E. Yazgan, C. Kamacıoğlu | Konferans bildirisi | | Ağustos 2013 |
8 | Averaging of receiver aperture for flat-topped incidence | Journal of Optics and Laser Technology | E. Yazgan, C. Kamacıoğlu | Makale | Evet | Temmuz 2013 |
9 | Pasif Radarda Hedef İzleme Modellemesi ve Simulasyonu | Proc. Of 6th National Conference of Modelling and Simulations İn Defence | E. Yazgan, B. Manavoğlu | Konferans bildirisi | | Haziran 2013 |
10 | RCS Prediction Using Fast Ray Tracing in Plücker Coordinates | Proc. Of 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2013 | E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Nisan 2013 |
11 | Düz Tepeli Işık Hüzmelerinin Türbilanslı Atmosferde Yayılımında Alıcı Açıklığı Etkileri | URSI-2012 | E. Yazgan, Y. Baykal, C. Kamacıoğlu | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 2012 |
12 | Yavaş Işıgın 8-Kat Simetrik Işıgın Kuazi Kristal Yapılarda Analizi | SIU-2012 | E. Yazgan, H. H. Özbenli, H. Kurt | Konferans bildirisi | | Haziran 2012 |
13 | New Analytical Input Impedance Calculation for Fast Design of printed Narrow Slot Antenna | International Journal of Electronics | E. Yazgan, V. Akan | Makale | Evet | Eylül 2011 |
14 | MIMO Haberleşme Sistemleri için Mikroşerit Anten Dizileri ve Asosye Sinyol İşleme | EEAG-108E025 | E. Yazgan, Ö. Ertuğ, A. Savaşcıhabeş, A. Öcalan, İ. Görgeç | Teknik rapor | | Haziran 2011 |
15 | Resonant Frequency of Air Gap Tuned Circular Microstrip Antenna with Anisotropic Substrate and Superstrate Layers | Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Kasım 2010 |
16 | Resonant Frequency Analysis of Annular Ring Microstrip Patch on Uniaxial Medium via Hankel Transform Domain Immittance Approach | Progress In Electromagnetics Research PIER M | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Kasım 2010 |
17 | Resonance in Microstrip Ring Resonator with Uniaxially Anisotropic Substrate and Superstrate Layers | Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ekim 2010 |
18 | Conductor loss calculation of elliptical, cylindrical coplanar waveguides and coplanar waveguides with finite conductor thickness | International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics | M. Duyar, V. Akan, E. Yazgan, M. Bayrak | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Mart 2009 |
19 | Designs And Analyses Of Some Rf/Mıcrowave Passive Elements On Cylindrical Cpws | Progress in Electromagnetic Research Letters | V. Akan, M. Duyar, E. Yazgan, M. Bayrak | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Şubat 2009 |
20 | Bazı Silindirik Eş-düzlemli Dalgakılavuzu Süreksizliklerinin RF/Mikrodalga Pasif Devre Elemanı olarak Tasarım ve Analizleri | ELECO- 2008 Elektrik - Elektronik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Bursa | V. Akan, M. Duyar, E. Yazgan, M. Bayrak | Konferans bildirisi | | Kasım 2008 |
21 | Analyses and Verification of Cylindirical Coplanar Waveguides | IV. URSI-Turkish National Technical Conference | V. Akan, M. Duyar, E. Yazgan, M. Bayrak | Konferans bildirisi | | Ekim 2008 |
22 | The Usage of Single and Multilayer Periodic Structures in the Production | IV. URSI-Turkish National Technical Conference | S. Ekinci, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Ekim 2008 |
23 | Analysis of Radar Cross Section of Cockpit Air Vehicle | II. National Aerospace Conference | N. Altın, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Ekim 2008 |
24 | Silindirik Eş-düzlemli Dalga Kılavuzlarının Analizi ve Gerçeklenmesi | IV. URSI-TÜRKIYE BİLİMSEL KONGRESİ, ULUSAL GENEL KURUL TOPLANTISI, Antalya | V. Akan, M. Duyar, E. Yazgan, M. Bayrak | Konferans bildirisi | | Ekim 2008 |
25 | Modelling of Shadowing Loss Due to Huge Non-Polygonal Structures in Urban Radio Propagation | Progress in Electromagnetics Research B | A. Kara, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ocak 2008 |
26 | A new Roof Model on Randomly Placed Buildings in Mobile | Progress in Electromagnetic Research C | N. Altın, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ocak 2008 |
27 | Analytical Attenuation Calculation of Asymmetrical Coplanar Waveguide with Finite-Extent Ground Planes for Coplanar Waveguide Mode | Microwave and Optical Technology Letters | M. Duyar, V. Akan, E. Yazgan, M. Bayrak | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Eylül 2007 |
28 | Computation and optimization of resonant frequency and input impedance of a coax-fed circular patch microstrip antenna | Microwave and Optical Technology Letters | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Aydın, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Eylül 2007 |
29 | Two Novel Transmission Lines With Vertical Conductors Added To Ground Planes | Microwave and Optical Technology Letters | M. Duyar, V. Akan, E. Yazgan, M. Bayrak | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Temmuz 2007 |
30 | Quasi-static solutions of Elliptical, cylindrical-coupled Parallel coplanar waveguide,and coupled parallel coplanar Waveguide with finite ground Planes | Microwave and Optical Technology Letters | M. Duyar, V. Akan, E. Yazgan, M. Bayrak | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Temmuz 2007 |
31 | Design of Triple Coupling Comb Line Filter by Using Slabline Resonators | 3rd URSI-Turkish Scientific Conference | E. Töngel, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 2006 |
32 | Analyses of Elliptical and Circular Cylindirical Microstrip Lines | 3rd URSI-Turkish Scientific Conference | M. Duyar, V. Akan, E. Yazgan, M. Bayrak | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 2006 |
33 | Novel Analytical Analyses Methods Of Shielded Broadside Coupled Coplanar Waveguides | Mediterranean Microwave Symposium 2006, Genova, Italy,19-21 September 2006. | V. Akan, M. Duyar, E. Yazgan, M. Bayrak | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 2006 |
34 | New Accurate Analytical Analyses of Shielded Planar Transmission Lines | Microwave and Optical Technology Letters | M. Duyar, V. Akan, E. Yazgan, M. Bayrak | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Temmuz 2006 |
35 | Analyses of Elliptical Coplanar Coupled Waveguides and Coplanar Coupled Waveguides with Finite Ground Width | IEEE Transactions On Microwave Theory and Techniques | M. Duyar, V. Akan, E. Yazgan, M. Bayrak | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Nisan 2006 |
36 | Quasistatic TEM analyses of elliptical, cylindrical, and asymmetric shielded striplines: Multilayered case | Int. Journal of RF and Microwave CAD Engineering | V. Akan, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Mart 2006 |
37 | Quasi-static solutions of multilayer elliptical, cylindrical coplanar striplines and multilayer coplanar striplines with finite dielectric dimensions - asymmetrical case | IEEE Transactions On Microwave Theory and Techniques | V. Akan, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Aralık 2005 |
38 | A Novel Quasistatic Analaysis Method For Multilayer Asymmetric Shielded Stripline | Mediterranean Microwave Symposium 2005, Athens, Greece | V. Akan, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 2005 |
39 | Conformal Mapping Techniques | Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering | E. Yazgan, V. Akan | Kitap bölümü | | Ocak 2005 |
40 | Sonlu Toprak Düzlem Genişliklerine Ve Dielektrik Katman Kalinliğina Sahip Eş Düzlemli Kuplajli Dalga Kilavuzunun Yari-Durağan Tem Analizi | Elektrik, Elektronik, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği 11. Ulusal Kongresi | V. Akan, M. Duyar, G. Turgut, E. Yazgan, M. Bayrak | Konferans bildirisi | | Ocak 2005 |
41 | Three-Dimensional Equivalent Focused Feed for an Offset Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna | Journal of Electromagnetics | E. Yazgan, G. Turgut | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Kasım 2004 |
42 | Characteristics of a Circular Patch Microstrip Antenna on Uniaxially Anisotropic Substrate | IEEE Transactions Antennas Propagation | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ekim 2004 |
43 | Quasistatic TEM Characteristics of Multilayer Elliptical and Cylindirical Coplanar Waveguides | Microwave Optical Technology Letters | V. Akan, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ağustos 2004 |
44 | Biomedical Image Fusion with Selection Operation in the Laplacian Pyramid Domain | Proc. of IEEE 12th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference | M. Aydın, E. Yazgan, U. Arıöz, A. Cila, K. Oğuz | Konferans bildirisi | | Nisan 2004 |
45 | A Simple Formulation For Quasistatic Solutions of Elliptical, Cylindrical and Asymmetrical Coplanar Strip Lines | Microwave and Optical Technology Letters | V. Akan, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Nisan 2004 |
46 | Analysis of Scattering From a Finite Cone | Proc. of 10th National Conf. of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Eng. | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 2003 |
47 | The Effects of Uniaxially Anisotropic Superstrate Shielding on the Resonant Characteristics of Circular Microstrip Patch | IEEE-EMC 2003 International Symposium Proceedings | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Mayıs 2003 |
48 | Determination of an Array Fed Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna by using Equivalent Feed in 3-D | NATO RTA Joint IST/SET Symposium on Smart Antennas, Chester, UK | E. Yazgan, G. Turgut, E. Afacan | Konferans bildirisi | | Nisan 2003 |
49 | A New Roof Modeling in Mobile Communication | Proc. of First National Conference, URSI 2002 | N. Altın, E. Yazgan, E. Afacan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 2002 |
50 | A Combined Model Approach For Analysing the Anisotropic Circular Ring Type Microstrip Antennas | Proceedings of First National Conference, URSI 2002 | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 2002 |
51 | Evaluation for Propagation Properties Between Bluetooth and WLAN | Proc. of First National Conference, URSI 2002 | A. Kara, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 2002 |
52 | Limit and Application Range of the Slope Diffraction Method for Wireless Communicaitons | IEEE Trans. on Ant. and Prop | A. Kara, L. H. Bertoni, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Eylül 2002 |
53 | Quasi-Static Analysis and Determination of Parameters of Open and Shielded Three-Layer Microstrip Lines | Electromagnetics | A. Zor, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ocak 2002 |
54 | Roof Shape Modeling for Multiple Diffraction Loss in Cellular Mobile Communication Systems | Int. Journal of Electronics | A. Kara, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ocak 2002 |
55 | Quasi-Static Analysis and Determination of Parameters of Open and Shielded Three-Layer Microstrip Lines | Electromagnetics | A. Zor, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ocak 2002 |
56 | Experimental Evaluation of Shadowing and Polarization in the Indoor Wireless Communication Systems | 1st. Telecommunication Technologies Symposium Proc | A. Kara, L. H. Bertoni, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Ekim 2001 |
57 | The Effect of Obstacles in the Far Field of Antenna | Proc. of 9th. Int. Conf. of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Eng. | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 2001 |
58 | Compensation of Superstrate Effects on the Resonant Behavior of the Microstrip Ring Structure by Using an Air Gap Control | IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Mayıs 2001 |
59 | The Improvement for a Target Close to an Obstacle | Electromagnetics | E. Yazgan, E. Afacan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Şubat 2001 |
60 | Quasistatic Analysis and Determination of Parameters of Open and Shielded three-layer microstrip lines | Electromagnetics | E. Yazgan, A. Zor | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ocak 2001 |
61 | Determination of Green's Functions for the Analysis of Circular Microstrip Antenna Having Uniaxial Substrate | Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics Symposium ANTEM-2000 Proceedings | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Ağustos 2000 |
62 | Resonant Frequency of an Air Gap Tuned Circular Disk Microstrip Antenna | International Journal of Electronics | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ağustos 2000 |
63 | Tunable Resonance in a Superstrate-Loaded Lossy Circular Disk Microstrip Structure | Canadian Journal of Physics | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Temmuz 2000 |
64 | New Computation of the Resonant Frequency of a Tunable Equilateral Triangular Microstrip Patch | IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Mart 2000 |
65 | New Determination of Dynamic Permittivity and Resonant Frequency of Tunable Circular Disk Microstrip Structure | International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Şubat 2000 |
66 | Simple Determination of Resonant Frequency of Microstrip Ring Antenna with Air Gap | AEÜ-International Journal of Electronics and Communications | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ocak 2000 |
67 | Canlılar ve Haberleşme Sistemlerinde Elektromanyetik Kirlilik ve İlgili Standartlar | Bilişim Toplumuna Giderken Elektromanyetik Kirlilik Etkileri Sempozyumu | E. Yazgan, G. Turgut | Konferans bildirisi | | Kasım 1999 |
68 | A New Method for the Calculation of Fock Scattering Funtions | Microwave and Optical Technology Letters | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Mayıs 1999 |
69 | Modified Cavity Model to Determine Resonant Frequency of Tunable Microstrip Ring Antenna | Electromagnetics | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Mayıs 1999 |
70 | Target Detection and Radar Cross Section in Air Defence Systems | Proc. of Space, Aeronautics and Defence Tech. Symposium | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Nisan 1999 |
71 | Modified Resonant Frequency Calculation for Two-Layered Circular Patch Microstrip Antenna | AEÜ- International Journal of Electronics and Communications | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ocak 1999 |
72 | A Simple Method in the Determination of Resonance Frequency of an Annular-Ring Microstrip Antenna with Air Gap | Proc. of 8th National Elec. Eng. Conf. | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Ocak 1999 |
73 | Elliptic Cylinder Modeling of Obstacles for Low Altitude Radar Systems | Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ocak 1999 |
74 | UTD-Based Propagation Model for the Path Loss Characteristics of Cellular Mobile Communications System | IEEE-AP-Int. Symp. and USNC / URSI National Radio Science Meeting | A. Kara, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Ocak 1999 |
75 | The Effects of Antenna Radiation Pattern on Doppler Spectrum in Mobile Communication Systems | Proc. of JINA-98 | A. Kara, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Kasım 1998 |
76 | Resonant Circular Patch Microstrip Antenna with Airgap | ANTEM98 Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics Symposium | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Ocak 1998 |
77 | Dairesel Disk Mikroşerit Antenlerde Hava Açıklığı Kontrolü ile Rezonans Frekansının Ayarlanması | Elektrik, Elektronik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği 7. Ulusal Kongresi | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1997 |
78 | The Analysis and Design of Ring Type Microstrip Antennas Used in Satellite Communications and Space Vehicles | Proc. of Technical Developments in Defense Industry Symp. | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Haziran 1997 |
79 | Long Term HF Channel Prediciton Method | Proc. of Technical Developments in Defense Industry Symp | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Haziran 1997 |
80 | Long Term HF Channel Prediciton Method | Proc. of Technical Developments in Defense Industry Symp. | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Haziran 1997 |
81 | Beam steering antenna design for low altitude radar systems | Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications | B. Saka, E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Makale | Evet | Şubat 1997 |
82 | Pattern optimization of a reflector antenna with planar array feeds and cluster feeds | IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagat. | B. Saka, E. Yazgan | Makale | Evet | Ocak 1997 |
83 | Properties of Communication and Radio Propagation in HF | Electrical Eng. Publication | E. Afacan, S. Haşimoğlu Ertaş, E. Yazgan, T. Çakımcı, E. Boratav, A. H. Erdinç | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Eylül 1996 |
84 | Application of Array Feed Reflector Antennas in Low Altitude Radars and Satellite Communication | 1st Symposium of Communication Electronics Information Systems in Military Forces (Invited Paper) | E. Yazgan, B. Saka, E. Afacan | Konferans bildirisi | | Mayıs 1996 |
85 | Dizi beslemeli yansıtıcı antenlerin alçak irtifa radarları ve uydu haberleşmesinde uygulamaları | MEBS SEMPOZYUMU 96 | E. Afacan, B. Saka, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Mayıs 1996 |
86 | The Effect of Loading of Gregorian Antennas on Side Lobe Levels | Can. Journal of Physics | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ocak 1996 |
87 | Efficient Calculation of Fock Scattering Functions | Ord. Prof. Dr. Cahit Arf Math. Semp. | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Kasım 1995 |
88 | Resonance Analysis of Single Layer Circular Disk and Annular Ring Microstrip Patch Antennas in Spectral Domain | 6th National Elec. Eng. Conf. Proc. | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1995 |
89 | Impedance and Irregular Terrain Propagation Model | AGARD-SPP Fall 1995 Symposium on Digital Communications Systems, Propagation Effects, Technical Solutions, Systems Design | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1995 |
90 | The Effects of Electromagnetic Fields Stimulation on Liver Regeneration Inhibited with Actinomycine-D Following 70% Hepatectomy in Rats | Canadian Association of Paediatric Surgeons 27th Annual Meeting | S. Yücesan, .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1995 |
91 | Alçak İrtifa radarlarında ana hüzme taramalı yansıtıcı anten ile hedef izlenmesi | Elektrik Mühendisliği 6. Ulusal Kongresi | E. Afacan, B. Saka, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1995 |
92 | Yansıtıcı antenlerde Gabor transform ile Gaussian hüzme analizi | Elektrik, Elektronik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği 7. Ulusal Kongresi | B. Saka, U. Tekkeşin, A. Er, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1995 |
93 | Application of High Frequency Methods in Satellite Communication and Low Altitude Radars (Invited Paper) | AFCEA, Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association Seminar Report | E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Temmuz 1995 |
94 | Reflector antenna pattern improvement using optimized array feed | Canadian Journal of Physics | B. Saka, E. Yazgan | Makale | Evet | Temmuz 1995 |
95 | A new beam steering antenna for low altitude radar systems | Proceedings of the 1995 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory | B. Saka, E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Mayıs 1995 |
96 | Bandwidth Widening in Annular Ring Microstrip Antennas with Superstrate | 1995 IEEE/AP-S Int. Symposium and USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting Proc. | Ç. S. Gürel, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Ocak 1995 |
97 | Adaptive beam forming for array feed parabolic reflector | JINA 94, International Symposium on Antennas Proc. | B. Saka, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Kasım 1994 |
98 | Modeling Obstacles as Cascaded Ellipses | IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Haziran 1994 |
99 | Irregular terrain modeling for the low altitude radar applications | IEEE MELECON-94 | E. Afacan, B. Saka, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Nisan 1994 |
100 | Synthesis of parabolic reflector antenna patterns using optimized array feed | ECSC-3 IEE Third Eurepean Conference on Satellite Communications | B. Saka, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Kasım 1993 |
101 | Modeling Obstacles as Ellipses in Low Altitude Radar Propagation | 5th National Elec. Eng. Conf. Proc. | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1993 |
102 | Dizi beslemeli parabol anten örüntüsü | Elektrik Mühendisliği 5. Ulusal Kongresi | B. Saka, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1993 |
103 | Design procedure for multi-beam reflector antennas in line of sight communication systems | Proc. of XXIVth General Assembly of the Int. Union of Radio Science | B. Saka, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1993 |
104 | The Effect of Radar Cross Section and Frequency on the Detection Height of a Target | Proc. of Int. Symposium on Radiowave Propagation, ISRP-93 | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Ağustos 1993 |
105 | Terrain Effects in High Frequency Scattering | Proc. of International Congress on Computational Methods In Engineering, ICCME-93 | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Mayıs 1993 |
106 | Array fed parabolic reflector in satellite communications | ICCME'93 Proc. of International Congress on Computational Methods In Engineering | B. Saka, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Mayıs 1993 |
107 | Elektromanyetik Alan ile Kısa Barsak Sendromlu Ratlarda Adaptasyonun Hızlandırılması | XI. Gevher Nesibe Tıp Günleri Proc. | H. Dindar, .. .. .. , E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Nisan 1993 |
108 | Uzun Süre Kortizon Alan Ratlarda Intestinal Yara İyileşmesine Elektromanyetik Alanın Etkisi | XI. Gevher Nesibe Tıp Günleri Proc. | H. Dindar, .. .. .. , E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Nisan 1993 |
109 | Augmentation of Mucasal Adaptation Following Small-Bowel Resection by Electromagnetic Field Stimulation in Rats | Tokai J. Exp. Clin. Med. | H. Dindar, .. .. .. , E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ocak 1993 |
110 | The Effect of Electromagnetic Field Stimulation on Corticosteroids-Inhibited Intestinal Wound Heating | Tokai J. Exp. Clin. Med. | H. Dindar, .. .. .. , E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ocak 1993 |
111 | Target Detection in Mountainous Areas | Tenth Anniversary Symposium, Department of Aeronautical Engineering Proc. | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Haziran 1992 |
112 | Modelling of Mountains as Wedges in Communications | International Symposium on "Communication Theory & Applications" Proc. | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1991 |
113 | Modelling of Mountains as Wedges in Communications | Proc. International Symposium on Communication Theory & Applications | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1991 |
114 | Target Detection in Low Altitude Radars by High Frequency Methods | 4th National Elec. Eng. Conf. Proc. | E. Afacan, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1991 |
115 | Odak dışı beslemenin reflektör performansında önemi | Elektrik Mühendisliği 4. Ulusal Kongresi | E. Yazgan, B. Saka | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1991 |
116 | Receiver Optimization with Suitable IF-BW Selection in Heterodyne Optic Receivers | IEEE, BILKON-91, Bilkent University, Electrical-Electronics and Computer Eng. Conf., Proc. | E. Yazgan, H. Bodur | Konferans bildirisi | | Haziran 1991 |
117 | Thick film high power attenuators | IEEE MELECON-91 | B. Saka, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Mayıs 1991 |
118 | Design Considerations on a Microwave Digital Radio Communication System, Part III, Principles of System Design | Defence Industry Undersecretary | E. Yazgan | Teknik rapor | | Nisan 1991 |
119 | Design Considerations on a Microwave Digital Radio Communication System Part II, Digital Radio Antenna Systems | Defence Industry Undersecretary | E. Yazgan | Teknik rapor | | Nisan 1991 |
120 | Thick-film 35 dB, 50 Watt attenuator | COMCONEL'90 Proc. of Communications, Control and Electronics Conf. | B. Saka, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Aralık 1990 |
121 | The Effect Of Axial Shift On Parabolic Reflector | 12. National Physics Conference Proc. | E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1990 |
122 | Crosspolarization Efficiency Using Equivalent Feed Method | 3rd International Elec. Eng. Conf. Proc. | E. Yazgan, Y. Işık | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1989 |
123 | A Simple Formulation of UTD for Some Reflector Antennas | International Journal of Electronics | E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Şubat 1989 |
124 | The Effect of Surface Loading on The Radiation Pattern of a Spherical Reflector | IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compability | E. Yazgan, H. Göksel | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Kasım 1988 |
125 | Analysis of Uniform Asymptotic Theory in Reflector Antennas | Proc. of Summer School on Microwave Reflector Antennas | E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1988 |
126 | Communication in Optical Fibers | Standard Economic And Technical Journal | E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Şubat 1988 |
127 | Radar | Electrical Engineering Publication | S. Kulaç, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Aralık 1987 |
128 | Microstrip Antennas | Electrical Engineering Publication | E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Kasım 1987 |
129 | Analysis of Off-Focus Fed Paraboloidal Reflector Using Equivalent Feed | 2nd International Electrical Eng. Conference, Proc. | E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1987 |
130 | A Spread Spectrum Communication System | Electrical Engineering Publication | L. Ertaul, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Temmuz 1987 |
131 | Optical Fiber and Optical Communication | Electrical Engineering Publication | E. Yazgan, Y. Demirburan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Mayıs 1987 |
132 | The Radiation Pattern of a Surface Loaded Ellipsoidal Reflector | IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagat. | E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Mart 1987 |
133 | Comparison of UTD and UAT in Axially Symmetric Reflectors | IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagat. | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ocak 1987 |
134 | High-Frequency Methods in Near-Field of a Symmetrical Paraboloidal Reflector | Proc. of Int. Symposium on Antennas JINA-86 | E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Kasım 1986 |
135 | Scattering From Plane Target and Polarization Effect | VIII. International Physics Conference, Proc. | E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1986 |
136 | Radiation Pattern of a Rim Loaded Ellipsoidal Antenna | URSI International Symposium on Electromag. Theory, Proc. | E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Ağustos 1986 |
137 | High-Frequency Analysis of Off-Focus-Fed Axisymmetric Antennas | Proc. of IEEE MELECON'85 Conf. | E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Ekim 1985 |
138 | Backward Radiation of Cylindrical Reflector with Circular Cross Section | Proc. of Int. Electrical Eng. Conference | E. Yazgan, H. Serbest | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1985 |
139 | Effect of Surface Loading on Reflector Antennas with Circular Cross Section | Proc. of Int. Electrical Eng. Conference | H. Göksel, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1985 |
140 | Polarization Losses in Reflector Antennas | IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation | M. Şafak, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ağustos 1985 |
141 | A Compact Form of UTD For Hyperboloidal and Ellipsoidal Antennas | International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation Proc. | E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Ağustos 1985 |
142 | Polarization Losses of Reflector Antennas with Asymmetric Feed Patterns | Proc. of International Symposium on Antennas and EM Theory ISAE'85 | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Konferans bildirisi | | Ağustos 1985 |
143 | A Rim Loaded Spherical Reflector Antenna | Proc. of International Symposium on Antennas and EM Theory ISAE'85 | H. Göksel, E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Ağustos 1985 |
144 | UTD Analysis of Offset Reflector Fed From Off-Focus | Proc. of JIEEEC'85 Conf., JORDAN | E. Yazgan | Konferans bildirisi | | Nisan 1985 |
145 | Polarization Losses of Reflector Antennas with Asymmetric Feed Patterns | Proc. of the 2nd METU International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, Microwaves and Electromagnetic Theory | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Konferans bildirisi | | Ekim 1983 |
146 | Unified Analysis of Radiation Patterns for Dual-Reflector Antennas | IEEE MELECON-83, Proc. | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Konferans bildirisi | | Mayıs 1983 |
147 | Investigation of Focus-Fed Symmetrical Microwave Antennas | Natural Science Publication | M. Şafak, E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ocak 1983 |
148 | Utilization of Solar Energy in Turkey | Electrical Engineering Publication | E. Yazgan | Makale | Belirtilmemiş | Ocak 1983 |
149 | GTD Analysis of Offset Reflector Antennas with Offset Feeds | 7th Colloquium on Microwave Communication Proc. | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Konferans bildirisi | | Eylül 1982 |
150 | GTD analysis of offset reflector antennas with offset feeds | Proc. 7th Colloq. on Microwave Commun., Budapest, 1982, vol.II, pp.15-18/K | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Konferans bildirisi | | Ocak 1982 |
151 | High-Frequency Scattering From Offset Reflectors | IEE Sec. International Conf. on Antennas and Prop. Proc. | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Konferans bildirisi | | Nisan 1981 |
152 | High-frequency scattering from offset reflectors | Proc. IEE Int. Conf. on Antennas and Propagation, York, U.K., 1981 | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Konferans bildirisi | | Ocak 1981 |
153 | Calculation of the radiation patterns of axially symmetric reflectors | Proc. 10th European Microwave Conf., 1980 | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Konferans bildirisi | | Ocak 1980 |