Publications of Dr. Erdem Yazgan
TypeInternational publicationNational publicationTotal
Journal paper52759
Conference paper523789
Book chapter11
Technical report33
Translated book11
# Title Publication Author(s) Type Indexed in SCI, SSCI, AHCI or EI? Year
1Receiver Aperture Averaging of Annular Beams Propagating Through Turbulant AtmosphereOptical EngineeringC. Kamacıoğlu, Y. Baykal, E. YazganJournal paperYesDecember
2 Analysis of Annular Ring Microstrip Antenna with Air Gap and Uniaxial Substrate Superstrate LayersWireless Personal CommunicationsÇ. S. Gürel, E. YazganJournal paperYesSeptember
3Tracking of Real Airborne Targets with Multistatic Passive Radars in 3D15 th Int. Radar SemposiumM. B. , E. YazganConference paperJune
4Kargo ve Jet Savaş Uçaklarının Pasif Sensör Kullanılarak İki Boyutta İzlenmesiSavunma Teknolojileri Sempozyumu, SAVTEK 2014B. Manavoğlu, E. YazganConference paperJune
5Aperture Averaging of Focused Multi-Gaussian Beams34. th Progress in Electromagnetics Research SymposiumC. Kamacıoğlu, Y. Baykal, E. YazganConference paperAugust
6Uygulamalı Elektromanyetiğin TemelleriNobel YayıneviE. YazganTranslated bookAugust
7Aperture Averaging of Focused Multi-Gaussian BeamsProgress in Electromagnetics Research SymposiumE. Yazgan, C. KamacıoğluConference paperAugust
8Averaging of receiver aperture for flat-topped incidenceJournal of Optics and Laser TechnologyE. Yazgan, C. KamacıoğluJournal paperYesJuly
9Pasif Radarda Hedef İzleme Modellemesi ve Simulasyonu Proc. Of 6th National Conference of Modelling and Simulations İn Defence E. Yazgan, B. ManavoğluConference paperJune
10RCS Prediction Using Fast Ray Tracing in Plücker CoordinatesProc. Of 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2013E. YazganConference paperApril
11Düz Tepeli Işık Hüzmelerinin Türbilanslı Atmosferde Yayılımında Alıcı Açıklığı EtkileriURSI-2012E. Yazgan, Y. Baykal, C. KamacıoğluConference paperSeptember
12Yavaş Işıgın 8-Kat Simetrik Işıgın Kuazi Kristal Yapılarda AnaliziSIU-2012E. Yazgan, H. H. Özbenli, H. KurtConference paperJune
13New Analytical Input Impedance Calculation for Fast Design of printed Narrow Slot AntennaInternational Journal of ElectronicsE. Yazgan, V. AkanJournal paperYesSeptember
14MIMO Haberleşme Sistemleri için Mikroşerit Anten Dizileri ve Asosye Sinyol İşlemeEEAG-108E025E. Yazgan, Ö. Ertuğ, A. Savaşcıhabeş, A. Öcalan, İ. GörgeçTechnical reportJune
15Resonant Frequency of Air Gap Tuned Circular Microstrip Antenna with Anisotropic Substrate and Superstrate LayersJournal of Electromagnetic Waves and ApplicationsÇ. S. Gürel, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedNovember
16Resonant Frequency Analysis of Annular Ring Microstrip Patch on Uniaxial Medium via Hankel Transform Domain Immittance ApproachProgress In Electromagnetics Research PIER MÇ. S. Gürel, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedNovember
17Resonance in Microstrip Ring Resonator with Uniaxially Anisotropic Substrate and Superstrate LayersJournal of Electromagnetic Waves and ApplicationsÇ. S. Gürel, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedOctober
18Conductor loss calculation of elliptical, cylindrical coplanar waveguides and coplanar waveguides with finite conductor thicknessInternational Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and MechanicsM. Duyar, V. Akan, E. Yazgan, M. BayrakJournal paperUnspecifiedMarch
19Designs And Analyses Of Some Rf/Mıcrowave Passive Elements On Cylindrical CpwsProgress in Electromagnetic Research LettersV. Akan, M. Duyar, E. Yazgan, M. BayrakJournal paperUnspecifiedFebruary
20Bazı Silindirik Eş-düzlemli Dalgakılavuzu Süreksizliklerinin RF/Mikrodalga Pasif Devre Elemanı olarak Tasarım ve AnalizleriELECO- 2008 Elektrik - Elektronik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, BursaV. Akan, M. Duyar, E. Yazgan, M. BayrakConference paperNovember
21Analyses and Verification of Cylindirical Coplanar WaveguidesIV. URSI-Turkish National Technical ConferenceV. Akan, M. Duyar, E. Yazgan, M. BayrakConference paperOctober
22The Usage of Single and Multilayer Periodic Structures in the ProductionIV. URSI-Turkish National Technical ConferenceS. Ekinci, E. YazganConference paperOctober
23Analysis of Radar Cross Section of Cockpit Air VehicleII. National Aerospace Conference N. Altın, E. YazganConference paperOctober
24Silindirik Eş-düzlemli Dalga Kılavuzlarının Analizi ve GerçeklenmesiIV. URSI-TÜRKIYE BİLİMSEL KONGRESİ, ULUSAL GENEL KURUL TOPLANTISI, Antalya V. Akan, M. Duyar, E. Yazgan, M. BayrakConference paperOctober
25Modelling of Shadowing Loss Due to Huge Non-Polygonal Structures in Urban Radio PropagationProgress in Electromagnetics Research BA. Kara, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedJanuary
26A new Roof Model on Randomly Placed Buildings in MobileProgress in Electromagnetic Research C N. Altın, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedJanuary
27Analytical Attenuation Calculation of Asymmetrical Coplanar Waveguide with Finite-Extent Ground Planes for Coplanar Waveguide ModeMicrowave and Optical Technology LettersM. Duyar, V. Akan, E. Yazgan, M. BayrakJournal paperUnspecifiedSeptember
28Computation and optimization of resonant frequency and input impedance of a coax-fed circular patch microstrip antennaMicrowave and Optical Technology LettersÇ. S. Gürel, E. Aydın, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedSeptember
29Two Novel Transmission Lines With Vertical Conductors Added To Ground PlanesMicrowave and Optical Technology LettersM. Duyar, V. Akan, E. Yazgan, M. BayrakJournal paperUnspecifiedJuly
30Quasi-static solutions of Elliptical, cylindrical-coupled Parallel coplanar waveguide,and coupled parallel coplanar Waveguide with finite ground Planes Microwave and Optical Technology LettersM. Duyar, V. Akan, E. Yazgan, M. BayrakJournal paperUnspecifiedJuly
31Design of Triple Coupling Comb Line Filter by Using Slabline Resonators3rd URSI-Turkish Scientific ConferenceE. Töngel, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
32Analyses of Elliptical and Circular Cylindirical Microstrip Lines3rd URSI-Turkish Scientific ConferenceM. Duyar, V. Akan, E. Yazgan, M. BayrakConference paperSeptember
33Novel Analytical Analyses Methods Of Shielded Broadside Coupled Coplanar WaveguidesMediterranean Microwave Symposium 2006, Genova, Italy,19-21 September 2006.V. Akan, M. Duyar, E. Yazgan, M. BayrakConference paperSeptember
34New Accurate Analytical Analyses of Shielded Planar Transmission LinesMicrowave and Optical Technology LettersM. Duyar, V. Akan, E. Yazgan, M. BayrakJournal paperUnspecifiedJuly
35Analyses of Elliptical Coplanar Coupled Waveguides and Coplanar Coupled Waveguides with Finite Ground WidthIEEE Transactions On Microwave Theory and TechniquesM. Duyar, V. Akan, E. Yazgan, M. BayrakJournal paperUnspecifiedApril
36Quasistatic TEM analyses of elliptical, cylindrical, and asymmetric shielded striplines: Multilayered caseInt. Journal of RF and Microwave CAD EngineeringV. Akan, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedMarch
37Quasi-static solutions of multilayer elliptical, cylindrical coplanar striplines and multilayer coplanar striplines with finite dielectric dimensions - asymmetrical caseIEEE Transactions On Microwave Theory and Techniques V. Akan, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedDecember
38A Novel Quasistatic Analaysis Method For Multilayer Asymmetric Shielded StriplineMediterranean Microwave Symposium 2005, Athens, GreeceV. Akan, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
39Conformal Mapping TechniquesEncyclopedia of RF and Microwave EngineeringE. Yazgan, V. AkanBook chapterJanuary
40Sonlu Toprak Düzlem Genişliklerine Ve Dielektrik Katman Kalinliğina Sahip Eş Düzlemli Kuplajli Dalga Kilavuzunun Yari-Durağan Tem AnaliziElektrik, Elektronik, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği 11. Ulusal Kongresi V. Akan, M. Duyar, G. Turgut, E. Yazgan, M. BayrakConference paperJanuary
41Three-Dimensional Equivalent Focused Feed for an Offset Paraboloidal Reflector AntennaJournal of ElectromagneticsE. Yazgan, G. TurgutJournal paperUnspecifiedNovember
42Characteristics of a Circular Patch Microstrip Antenna on Uniaxially Anisotropic SubstrateIEEE Transactions Antennas PropagationÇ. S. Gürel, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedOctober
43Quasistatic TEM Characteristics of Multilayer Elliptical and Cylindirical Coplanar WaveguidesMicrowave Optical Technology LettersV. Akan, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedAugust
44Biomedical Image Fusion with Selection Operation in the Laplacian Pyramid DomainProc. of IEEE 12th Signal Processing and Communications Applications ConferenceM. Aydın, E. Yazgan, U. Arıöz, A. Cila, K. OğuzConference paperApril
45A Simple Formulation For Quasistatic Solutions of Elliptical, Cylindrical and Asymmetrical Coplanar Strip LinesMicrowave and Optical Technology LettersV. Akan, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedApril
46Analysis of Scattering From a Finite ConeProc. of 10th National Conf. of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Eng.E. Afacan, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
47The Effects of Uniaxially Anisotropic Superstrate Shielding on the Resonant Characteristics of Circular Microstrip PatchIEEE-EMC 2003 International Symposium ProceedingsÇ. S. Gürel, E. YazganConference paperMay
48Determination of an Array Fed Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna by using Equivalent Feed in 3-DNATO RTA Joint IST/SET Symposium on Smart Antennas, Chester, UKE. Yazgan, G. Turgut, E. AfacanConference paperApril
49A New Roof Modeling in Mobile CommunicationProc. of First National Conference, URSI 2002N. Altın, E. Yazgan, E. AfacanConference paperSeptember
50A Combined Model Approach For Analysing the Anisotropic Circular Ring Type Microstrip AntennasProceedings of First National Conference, URSI 2002Ç. S. Gürel, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
51Evaluation for Propagation Properties Between Bluetooth and WLANProc. of First National Conference, URSI 2002A. Kara, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
52Limit and Application Range of the Slope Diffraction Method for Wireless CommunicaitonsIEEE Trans. on Ant. and PropA. Kara, L. H. Bertoni, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedSeptember
53Quasi-Static Analysis and Determination of Parameters of Open and Shielded Three-Layer Microstrip LinesElectromagneticsA. Zor, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedJanuary
54Roof Shape Modeling for Multiple Diffraction Loss in Cellular Mobile Communication SystemsInt. Journal of Electronics A. Kara, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedJanuary
55Quasi-Static Analysis and Determination of Parameters of Open and Shielded Three-Layer Microstrip LinesElectromagneticsA. Zor, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedJanuary
56Experimental Evaluation of Shadowing and Polarization in the Indoor Wireless Communication Systems1st. Telecommunication Technologies Symposium ProcA. Kara, L. H. Bertoni, E. YazganConference paperOctober
57The Effect of Obstacles in the Far Field of AntennaProc. of 9th. Int. Conf. of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Eng. E. Afacan, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
58Compensation of Superstrate Effects on the Resonant Behavior of the Microstrip Ring Structure by Using an Air Gap ControlIEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic CompatibilityÇ. S. Gürel, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedMay
59The Improvement for a Target Close to an ObstacleElectromagneticsE. Yazgan, E. AfacanJournal paperUnspecifiedFebruary
60Quasistatic Analysis and Determination of Parameters of Open and Shielded three-layer microstrip linesElectromagneticsE. Yazgan, A. ZorJournal paperUnspecifiedJanuary
61Determination of Green's Functions for the Analysis of Circular Microstrip Antenna Having Uniaxial SubstrateAntenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics Symposium ANTEM-2000 ProceedingsÇ. S. Gürel, E. YazganConference paperAugust
62Resonant Frequency of an Air Gap Tuned Circular Disk Microstrip AntennaInternational Journal of ElectronicsÇ. S. Gürel, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedAugust
63Tunable Resonance in a Superstrate-Loaded Lossy Circular Disk Microstrip StructureCanadian Journal of PhysicsÇ. S. Gürel, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedJuly
64New Computation of the Resonant Frequency of a Tunable Equilateral Triangular Microstrip PatchIEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and TechniquesÇ. S. Gürel, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedMarch
65New Determination of Dynamic Permittivity and Resonant Frequency of Tunable Circular Disk Microstrip StructureInternational Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided EngineeringÇ. S. Gürel, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedFebruary
66Simple Determination of Resonant Frequency of Microstrip Ring Antenna with Air GapAEÜ-International Journal of Electronics and CommunicationsÇ. S. Gürel, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedJanuary
67Canlılar ve Haberleşme Sistemlerinde Elektromanyetik Kirlilik ve İlgili StandartlarBilişim Toplumuna Giderken Elektromanyetik Kirlilik Etkileri SempozyumuE. Yazgan, G. TurgutConference paperNovember
68A New Method for the Calculation of Fock Scattering FuntionsMicrowave and Optical Technology LettersE. Afacan, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedMay
69Modified Cavity Model to Determine Resonant Frequency of Tunable Microstrip Ring AntennaElectromagneticsÇ. S. Gürel, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedMay
70Target Detection and Radar Cross Section in Air Defence SystemsProc. of Space, Aeronautics and Defence Tech. SymposiumE. Afacan, E. YazganConference paperApril
71Modified Resonant Frequency Calculation for Two-Layered Circular Patch Microstrip AntennaAEÜ- International Journal of Electronics and CommunicationsÇ. S. Gürel, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedJanuary
72A Simple Method in the Determination of Resonance Frequency of an Annular-Ring Microstrip Antenna with Air GapProc. of 8th National Elec. Eng. Conf.Ç. S. Gürel, E. YazganConference paperJanuary
73Elliptic Cylinder Modeling of Obstacles for Low Altitude Radar SystemsJournal of Electromagnetic Waves and ApplicationsE. Afacan, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedJanuary
74UTD-Based Propagation Model for the Path Loss Characteristics of Cellular Mobile Communications SystemIEEE-AP-Int. Symp. and USNC / URSI National Radio Science MeetingA. Kara, E. YazganConference paperJanuary
75The Effects of Antenna Radiation Pattern on Doppler Spectrum in Mobile Communication SystemsProc. of JINA-98A. Kara, E. YazganConference paperNovember
76Resonant Circular Patch Microstrip Antenna with AirgapANTEM98 Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics SymposiumÇ. S. Gürel, E. YazganConference paperJanuary
77Dairesel Disk Mikroşerit Antenlerde Hava Açıklığı Kontrolü ile Rezonans Frekansının AyarlanmasıElektrik, Elektronik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği 7. Ulusal KongresiÇ. S. Gürel, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
78The Analysis and Design of Ring Type Microstrip Antennas Used in Satellite Communications and Space VehiclesProc. of Technical Developments in Defense Industry Symp.Ç. S. Gürel, E. YazganConference paperJune
79Long Term HF Channel Prediciton MethodProc. of Technical Developments in Defense Industry SympE. Afacan, E. YazganConference paperJune
80Long Term HF Channel Prediciton MethodProc. of Technical Developments in Defense Industry Symp.E. Afacan, E. YazganConference paperJune
81Beam steering antenna design for low altitude radar systemsJournal of Electromagnetic Waves and ApplicationsB. Saka, E. Afacan, E. YazganJournal paperYesFebruary
82Pattern optimization of a reflector antenna with planar array feeds and cluster feeds IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagat.B. Saka, E. YazganJournal paperYesJanuary
83Properties of Communication and Radio Propagation in HFElectrical Eng. PublicationE. Afacan, S. Haşimoğlu Ertaş, E. Yazgan, T. Çakımcı, E. Boratav, A. H. ErdinçJournal paperUnspecifiedSeptember
84Application of Array Feed Reflector Antennas in Low Altitude Radars and Satellite Communication1st Symposium of Communication Electronics Information Systems in Military Forces (Invited Paper)E. Yazgan, B. Saka, E. AfacanConference paperMay
85Dizi beslemeli yansıtıcı antenlerin alçak irtifa radarları ve uydu haberleşmesinde uygulamaları MEBS SEMPOZYUMU 96E. Afacan, B. Saka, E. YazganConference paperMay
86The Effect of Loading of Gregorian Antennas on Side Lobe LevelsCan. Journal of PhysicsE. Afacan, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedJanuary
87Efficient Calculation of Fock Scattering FunctionsOrd. Prof. Dr. Cahit Arf Math. Semp.E. Afacan, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedNovember
88Resonance Analysis of Single Layer Circular Disk and Annular Ring Microstrip Patch Antennas in Spectral Domain6th National Elec. Eng. Conf. Proc.Ç. S. Gürel, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
89Impedance and Irregular Terrain Propagation ModelAGARD-SPP Fall 1995 Symposium on Digital Communications Systems, Propagation Effects, Technical Solutions, Systems DesignE. Afacan, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
90The Effects of Electromagnetic Fields Stimulation on Liver Regeneration Inhibited with Actinomycine-D Following 70% Hepatectomy in RatsCanadian Association of Paediatric Surgeons 27th Annual MeetingS. Yücesan, .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , E. YazganConference paperSeptember
91Alçak İrtifa radarlarında ana hüzme taramalı yansıtıcı anten ile hedef izlenmesiElektrik Mühendisliği 6. Ulusal KongresiE. Afacan, B. Saka, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
92Yansıtıcı antenlerde Gabor transform ile Gaussian hüzme analiziElektrik, Elektronik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği 7. Ulusal KongresiB. Saka, U. Tekkeşin, A. Er, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
93Application of High Frequency Methods in Satellite Communication and Low Altitude Radars (Invited Paper)AFCEA, Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association Seminar ReportE. YazganConference paperJuly
94Reflector antenna pattern improvement using optimized array feedCanadian Journal of PhysicsB. Saka, E. YazganJournal paperYesJuly
95A new beam steering antenna for low altitude radar systems Proceedings of the 1995 International Symposium on Electromagnetic TheoryB. Saka, E. Afacan, E. YazganConference paperMay
96Bandwidth Widening in Annular Ring Microstrip Antennas with Superstrate1995 IEEE/AP-S Int. Symposium and USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting Proc.Ç. S. Gürel, E. YazganConference paperJanuary
97Adaptive beam forming for array feed parabolic reflector JINA 94, International Symposium on Antennas Proc.B. Saka, E. YazganConference paperNovember
98Modeling Obstacles as Cascaded EllipsesIEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science MeetingE. Afacan, E. YazganConference paperJune
99Irregular terrain modeling for the low altitude radar applications IEEE MELECON-94E. Afacan, B. Saka, E. YazganConference paperApril
100Synthesis of parabolic reflector antenna patterns using optimized array feed ECSC-3 IEE Third Eurepean Conference on Satellite CommunicationsB. Saka, E. YazganConference paperNovember
101Modeling Obstacles as Ellipses in Low Altitude Radar Propagation5th National Elec. Eng. Conf. Proc.E. Afacan, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
102Dizi beslemeli parabol anten örüntüsüElektrik Mühendisliği 5. Ulusal KongresiB. Saka, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
103Design procedure for multi-beam reflector antennas in line of sight communication systemsProc. of XXIVth General Assembly of the Int. Union of Radio ScienceB. Saka, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
104The Effect of Radar Cross Section and Frequency on the Detection Height of a TargetProc. of Int. Symposium on Radiowave Propagation, ISRP-93E. Afacan, E. YazganConference paperAugust
105Terrain Effects in High Frequency ScatteringProc. of International Congress on Computational Methods In Engineering, ICCME-93E. Afacan, E. YazganConference paperMay
106Array fed parabolic reflector in satellite communications ICCME'93 Proc. of International Congress on Computational Methods In EngineeringB. Saka, E. YazganConference paperMay
107Elektromanyetik Alan ile Kısa Barsak Sendromlu Ratlarda Adaptasyonun HızlandırılmasıXI. Gevher Nesibe Tıp Günleri Proc.H. Dindar, .. .. .. , E. YazganConference paperApril
108Uzun Süre Kortizon Alan Ratlarda Intestinal Yara İyileşmesine Elektromanyetik Alanın EtkisiXI. Gevher Nesibe Tıp Günleri Proc.H. Dindar, .. .. .. , E. YazganConference paperApril
109Augmentation of Mucasal Adaptation Following Small-Bowel Resection by Electromagnetic Field Stimulation in RatsTokai J. Exp. Clin. Med.H. Dindar, .. .. .. , E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedJanuary
110The Effect of Electromagnetic Field Stimulation on Corticosteroids-Inhibited Intestinal Wound HeatingTokai J. Exp. Clin. Med.H. Dindar, .. .. .. , E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedJanuary
111Target Detection in Mountainous AreasTenth Anniversary Symposium, Department of Aeronautical Engineering Proc.E. Afacan, E. YazganConference paperJune
112Modelling of Mountains as Wedges in CommunicationsInternational Symposium on "Communication Theory & Applications" Proc.E. Afacan, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
113Modelling of Mountains as Wedges in CommunicationsProc. International Symposium on Communication Theory & ApplicationsE. Afacan, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
114Target Detection in Low Altitude Radars by High Frequency Methods4th National Elec. Eng. Conf. Proc.E. Afacan, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
115Odak dışı beslemenin reflektör performansında önemiElektrik Mühendisliği 4. Ulusal KongresiE. Yazgan, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
116Receiver Optimization with Suitable IF-BW Selection in Heterodyne Optic ReceiversIEEE, BILKON-91, Bilkent University, Electrical-Electronics and Computer Eng. Conf., Proc.E. Yazgan, H. BodurConference paperJune
117Thick film high power attenuatorsIEEE MELECON-91B. Saka, E. YazganConference paperMay
118Design Considerations on a Microwave Digital Radio Communication System, Part III, Principles of System Design Defence Industry UndersecretaryE. YazganTechnical reportApril
119Design Considerations on a Microwave Digital Radio Communication System Part II, Digital Radio Antenna SystemsDefence Industry UndersecretaryE. YazganTechnical reportApril
120Thick-film 35 dB, 50 Watt attenuatorCOMCONEL'90 Proc. of Communications, Control and Electronics Conf.B. Saka, E. YazganConference paperDecember
121The Effect Of Axial Shift On Parabolic Reflector 12. National Physics Conference Proc.E. YazganConference paperSeptember
122Crosspolarization Efficiency Using Equivalent Feed Method3rd International Elec. Eng. Conf. Proc.E. Yazgan, Y. IşıkConference paperSeptember
123A Simple Formulation of UTD for Some Reflector AntennasInternational Journal of ElectronicsE. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedFebruary
124The Effect of Surface Loading on The Radiation Pattern of a Spherical ReflectorIEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic CompabilityE. Yazgan, H. GökselJournal paperUnspecifiedNovember
125Analysis of Uniform Asymptotic Theory in Reflector AntennasProc. of Summer School on Microwave Reflector AntennasE. YazganConference paperSeptember
126Communication in Optical FibersStandard Economic And Technical JournalE. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedFebruary
127RadarElectrical Engineering PublicationS. Kulaç, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedDecember
128Microstrip AntennasElectrical Engineering PublicationE. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedNovember
129Analysis of Off-Focus Fed Paraboloidal Reflector Using Equivalent Feed2nd International Electrical Eng. Conference, Proc.E. YazganConference paperSeptember
130A Spread Spectrum Communication SystemElectrical Engineering PublicationL. Ertaul, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedJuly
131Optical Fiber and Optical CommunicationElectrical Engineering PublicationE. Yazgan, Y. DemirburanJournal paperUnspecifiedMay
132The Radiation Pattern of a Surface Loaded Ellipsoidal ReflectorIEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagat.E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedMarch
133Comparison of UTD and UAT in Axially Symmetric ReflectorsIEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagat.E. Yazgan, M. ŞafakJournal paperUnspecifiedJanuary
134High-Frequency Methods in Near-Field of a Symmetrical Paraboloidal ReflectorProc. of Int. Symposium on Antennas JINA-86E. YazganConference paperNovember
135Scattering From Plane Target and Polarization EffectVIII. International Physics Conference, Proc.E. YazganConference paperSeptember
136Radiation Pattern of a Rim Loaded Ellipsoidal AntennaURSI International Symposium on Electromag. Theory, Proc.E. YazganConference paperAugust
137High-Frequency Analysis of Off-Focus-Fed Axisymmetric AntennasProc. of IEEE MELECON'85 Conf.E. YazganConference paperOctober
138Backward Radiation of Cylindrical Reflector with Circular Cross SectionProc. of Int. Electrical Eng. ConferenceE. Yazgan, H. SerbestConference paperSeptember
139Effect of Surface Loading on Reflector Antennas with Circular Cross SectionProc. of Int. Electrical Eng. ConferenceH. Göksel, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
140Polarization Losses in Reflector AntennasIEEE Trans. on Antennas and PropagationM. Şafak, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedAugust
141A Compact Form of UTD For Hyperboloidal and Ellipsoidal AntennasInternational Symposium on Antennas and Propagation Proc.E. YazganConference paperAugust
142Polarization Losses of Reflector Antennas with Asymmetric Feed PatternsProc. of International Symposium on Antennas and EM Theory ISAE'85E. Yazgan, M. ŞafakConference paperAugust
143A Rim Loaded Spherical Reflector AntennaProc. of International Symposium on Antennas and EM Theory ISAE'85H. Göksel, E. YazganConference paperAugust
144UTD Analysis of Offset Reflector Fed From Off-FocusProc. of JIEEEC'85 Conf., JORDANE. YazganConference paperApril
145Polarization Losses of Reflector Antennas with Asymmetric Feed PatternsProc. of the 2nd METU International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, Microwaves and Electromagnetic TheoryE. Yazgan, M. ŞafakConference paperOctober
146Unified Analysis of Radiation Patterns for Dual-Reflector AntennasIEEE MELECON-83, Proc.E. Yazgan, M. ŞafakConference paperMay
147Investigation of Focus-Fed Symmetrical Microwave AntennasNatural Science PublicationM. Şafak, E. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedJanuary
148Utilization of Solar Energy in TurkeyElectrical Engineering PublicationE. YazganJournal paperUnspecifiedJanuary
149GTD Analysis of Offset Reflector Antennas with Offset Feeds7th Colloquium on Microwave Communication Proc. E. Yazgan, M. ŞafakConference paperSeptember
150GTD analysis of offset reflector antennas with offset feedsProc. 7th Colloq. on Microwave Commun., Budapest, 1982, vol.II, pp.15-18/KE. Yazgan, M. ŞafakConference paperJanuary
151High-Frequency Scattering From Offset ReflectorsIEE Sec. International Conf. on Antennas and Prop. Proc.E. Yazgan, M. ŞafakConference paperApril
152High-frequency scattering from offset reflectors Proc. IEE Int. Conf. on Antennas and Propagation, York, U.K., 1981E. Yazgan, M. ŞafakConference paperJanuary
153Calculation of the radiation patterns of axially symmetric reflectorsProc. 10th European Microwave Conf., 1980E. Yazgan, M. ŞafakConference paperJanuary

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