Publications of Dr. Birsen Saka
TypeInternational publicationNational publicationTotal
Journal paper2323
Conference paper263359
Book chapter11
# Title Publication Author(s) Type Indexed in SCI, SSCI, AHCI or EI? Year
1Direct printable X-band low profile broadband reflectarray antenna using copper foilsAEU - International Journal of Electronics and CommunicationsS. Tariq, N. Naseer, A. Iftikhar, M. F. Shafique, J. Nasir, M. H. Dahri, A. Fida, B. SakaJournal paperYesNovember
2Silicon elastomer as flexible substrate: dielectric characterization and applications for wearable antennaFlexible and Printed ElectronicsA. Iftikhar, N. Naseer, Ş. Kumbay Yıldız, D. Gökcen, A. Fida, M. F. Shafique, B. SakaJournal paperYesOctober
3Dielectric Characterization of Ultrathin Softwear Flexible Substrates Intended for Wearable Biomedical ApplicationsEMC Türkiye 2023 The 7th International EMC ConferenceN. Naseer, A. Iftikhar, D. Gökcen, S. Özdemir, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
4Near-End and Far-End Coupling Investigations of Conductive Fiber Transmission Lines (TLs) on an Ultrathin Denim SubstrateEMC Türkiye 2023 The 7th International EMC ConferenceA. Iftikhar, N. Naseer, D. Gökcen, B. Saka, M. F. ShafiqueConference paperSeptember
5Single Polarized 7 GHz Centered Absorptive Frequency Selective Surface DesignEMC Türkiye 2023 The 7th International EMC ConferenceA. Özkan, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
6Performance Analysis of a Conductive Cloth-based Wideband Slot Flextenna for Artificial Heart Bag in Health Monitoring ApplicationsXI. URSI-TÜRKİYE 2023 Bilimsel Kongresi ve Ulusal Genel Kurul ToplantısıA. Iftikhar, N. Naseer, D. Gökcen, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
7Çift Bantlı ve Çok Modlu Frekans Seçici Yüzey TasarımıXI. URSI-TÜRKİYE 2023 Bilimsel Kongresi ve Ulusal Genel Kurul ToplantısıE. Sarıbay, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
86 GHz Merkez Frekanslı Çift Soğurma Bantlı Soğurucu Bantgeçiren Yüzey TasarımıXI. URSI-TÜRKİYE 2023 Bilimsel Kongresi ve Ulusal Genel Kurul ToplantısıA. Özkan, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
9Broadband dual‐podal multilayer Vivaldi antenna array for remote sensing applicationsIET Microwaves, Antennas & PropagationM. Nasir, A. Iftikhar, M. F. Shafique, B. Saka, S. Nikolaou, D. E. AnagnostouJournal paperYesJune
10Angle dependent wavelength measurement using open spectrophotometer and optical characterization of thin filmsJournal of Optoelectronics and Advanced MaterialsE. Güngör, T. Güngör, B. SakaJournal paperYesNovember
11Kalıp Silikon Alttaş Üzerinde Üretilen Yansıtıcı Dizi Birim Hücrenin Faz Aralığı AnaliziELECO 2022 ELEKTRİK-ELEKTRONİK ve BİYOMEDİKAL MÜHENDİSLİĞİ KONFERANSIN. Naseer, S. Kamacı, B. Güçlüoğlu, B. SakaConference paperNovember
1224 GHz 2x2 MIMO Anten TasarımıELECO 2022 ELEKTRİK-ELEKTRONİK ve BİYOMEDİKAL MÜHENDİSLİĞİ KONFERANSIO. Onurlu, B. SakaConference paperNovember
13An electromagnetic shield design using frequency selective surfaces on a textile substrateFlexible and Printed ElectronicsN. Naseer, B. SakaJournal paperYesSeptember
14Multilayer Minkowski Reflectarray Antenna With Improved Phase PerformanceIEEE Transactions on Antennas and PropagationE. Öztürk, B. SakaJournal paperYesDecember
15Effective and rapid optical characterization of sequential multilayer metal oxide nanostructures by genetic algorithm approachJournal of Optoelectronics and Advanced MaterialsE. Güngör, T. Güngör, B. SakaJournal paperYesSeptember
16Yüzeye Uyumlu Radom Tasarımı ve GNSS uygulamasıX. URSI-TÜRKİYE 2021 Bilimsel KongresiO. Aktaş, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
17Geniş Bantlı Tandem Yapıda Hibrit Bağlaştırıcı TasarımıX. URSI-TÜRKİYE 2021 Bilimsel Kongresi M. Akın, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
18Kesik Piramit Radar Soğurucu TasarımıX. URSI-TÜRKİYE 2021 Bilimsel KongresiA. Z. Özer, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
19Analysis and Design of Stopband FSS Unit Cell on Textile SubstratesIEEE Letters on Electromagnetic Compatibility Practice and ApplicationsN. Naseer, D. Gökcen, B. SakaJournal paperYesMarch
20S-Band Voltage Tunable Microstrip Combline Filter DesignEMC Türkiye 2019, The 5th International EMC ConferenceA. Özkan, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
21Characterization of Transmission and Reflection of Ku Band Split Ring Resonator Reflectarray using Waveguide MethodAdvanced Electromagnetics (AEM)N. Naseer, B. SakaJournal paperYesSeptember
22Double orthogonal phase stubs technique for Minkowski fractal reflectarray antennaJournal of Electromagnetic Waves and ApplicationsE. Öztürk, B. SakaJournal paperYesJanuary
23Spiro Sarmal Anten Analizi ve Silindir Sarmal Anten KarşılaştırmasıURSI-TÜRKİYE’2018 IX. Bilimsel KongresiE. Erdem, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
24S-Bant Mikroşerit Tarak Dişi Filtre Tasarımı ve Bant Kaydırma ÇalışmasıURSI-TÜRKİYE’2018 IX. Bilimsel KongresiA. Özkan, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
25Characterization of Transmission and Reflection of Ku band Split Ring Resonator Reflectarray using Waveguide MethodURSI-TÜRKİYE’2018 IX. Bilimsel KongresiN. Naseer, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
26Spherical helical antenna design at L-band2018 26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIUE. Erdem, B. SakaConference paperMay
27Analysis and optimization of wideband radomes.2018 26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU).İ. Çor, B. SakaConference paperMay
28Polymer Composite Coated Fabrics:Electromagnetic Shielding Characterization in X-Band and Nanostructured AnalysesThe International Conference Terahertz Emission, Metamaterials and Nanophotonics TERAMETANANO-3S. Özdemir, , E. Özüpek, S. İde, B. SakaConference paperMarch
29Fast and interference fringe independent optical characterization of zinc oxide nano thin films using model-based genetic algorithm for optoelectronic applicationsNanomaterials and NanotechnologyT. Güngör, E. Güngör, B. SakaJournal paperYesOctober
30Çift Bant Mikroşerit GPS Anten Analizi ve TasarımıVIII. URSI-Türkiye'2016 Bilimsel Kongresi ve Ulusal Genel Kurulu M. Küpeli, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
31Shielding Effectiveness for Metallic Enclosures with Various Aperture Shapes URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conf. (URSI AT-RASC), Gran Canaria, Canary IslandsT. M. İlgar, M. Bulut, B. SakaConference paperMay
32Silindirik Yüzeylerde UTD ile Mikroşerit Anten AnaliziVI. URSI-Türkiye'2012 Bilimsel Kongresi ve Ulusal Genel KuruluB. T. Arslan, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
33Tek ve Çift Kipli Mikroşerit Rezonatör Süzgeç TasarımıURSI - Türkiye 2010 Bilimsel Kongresi, ODTÜ-Kuzey Kıbrıs Kampusu, KKTCA. Özdemir, M. Bulut, B. SakaConference paperAugust
34MIL-STD-461E Standardı CE102 Gereksinimine Uyumlu Elektromanyetik Girisim Süzgeci TasarımıURSI - Türkiye 2010 Bilimsel Kongresi, ODTÜ-Kuzey Kıbrıs Kampusu, KKTCE. Önal, B. Saka, I. ÇadırcıConference paperAugust
35Determination Of Thin Film Thickness And Optical Constants From Optical Transmission And Reflection Spectra Using The Genetic AlgorithmBalkan Physics LettersT. Güngör, E. Güngör, B. SakaJournal paperUnspecifiedJanuary
36Application of conformal transformation to elliptic geometry for electric impedance tomographyMedical Engineering & PhysicsA. Yılmaz, K. E. Akdoğan, B. SakaJournal paperUnspecifiedJanuary
37A general method for the analysis of curved wire antennasJournal of Electromagnetic Waves and ApplicationsA. Selçuk, B. SakaJournal paperYesFebruary
38EET nin ileri probleminin elips modelinde analitik yöntem ve sınırlı eleman yöntemi (SEY) ile çözümüURSI-TÜRKİYE'2006, Türkiye Ulusal Komitesi 3. Bilimsel KongresiK. E. Akdoğan, A. Yılmaz, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
39Uyarlamalı Anten Dizilerinde Girişim Bastırma Performansının İncelenmesiURSI-TÜRKİYE'2006, Türkiye Ulusal Komitesi 3. Bilimsel KongresiS. Değer, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
40Antenlerin Karşılıklı Bağlaşımının Uyarlamalı Dizi Performansına EtkisiIEEE 14. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları KurultayıS. Değer, B. SakaConference paperApril
41Pattern nulling of offset parabolic reflector with array feedSpringer Proceedings in Physics Series, Complex Computing-Networks, Brain-like and Wave-oriented Electromagnetic AlgorithmsB. Saka, A. SelçukBook chapterJanuary
42The comparision of optical constants determined with genetic algorithm and iterative method using optical measurementsTurkish Physical Society 23rd International Physics CongressT. Güngör, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
43A Practical EMI Filter Design Procedure for High Power High Frequency SMPS According to MIL Std 461 IEE Proceeedings - Electric Power Applications I. Çadırcı, B. Saka, Y. EriştirenJournal paperUnspecifiedJuly
44İnce filmlerin optik sabitlerinin belirlenmesinde genetik algoritmanın optik geçirgenlik spektrumuna uygulanmasıXI Yoğun Madde Fiziği ToplantısıT. Güngör, B. SakaConference paperDecember
45Calculation of the optical constants of a thin layer upon a transparent substrate from the reflection spectrum using a genetic algorithmThin Solid FilmsT. Güngör, B. SakaJournal paperYesNovember
46GSM'de Frekans Atama Problemleri ve Çözüm AlgoritmalarıURSI-Türkiye'2004 İkinci Ulusal KongresiB. Özaslan, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
47Eğri Parçalı Moment Yöntemi ile Sarmal Anten ÇözümlemesiURSI-Türkiye'2004 İkinci Ulusal KongresiA. Selçuk, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
48Conformal Transformation on the Analysis of Forward Problems in Electrical Impedance TomographyBiomed2004, 11 th International Biomedical Science and Technology DaysK. E. Akdoğan, A. Yılmaz, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
49Konformal Dönüşümün Elektrik Empedans Tomografide İleri Problemlere UygulanmasıSİU- Sinyal İşleme KurultayıK. E. Akdoğan, A. Yılmaz, B. SakaConference paperApril
50Elliptic Cylinder Geometry for Distiguishability Analysis in Impedance TomographyIEEE Transactions on Biomedical EngineeringB. Saka, A. YılmazJournal paperYesJanuary
51Analysis of Forward Problem for Elliptic Geometry in EIT by Using Analytical and Finite Element Methods MWCAS2003, IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems, Cairo, EgyptK. E. Akdoğan, A. Yılmaz, B. SakaConference paperDecember
52Helical Antenna Analysis using Curved Segment MOMThe 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)A. Selçuk, B. SakaConference paperMay
53Scattering properties of Sierpinski carpet reflectarrayJINA2002, 12th International Symposium on AntennasS. Erdem, B. Saka, A. SelçukConference paperNovember
54Elektromanyetik radyasyonun ergin Drosophila melanogaster mutantlarında ömür uzunluğuna etkisiXVI. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi Özetler Kitabı, Malatya.B. Ş. Dalgıç, B. Koçak, G. E. Özsoy, A. N. Bozcuk, H. Ünlü, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
55X Bandındaki elektromanyetik alanların Drosophila melanogaster’de eşeye bağlı mutasyon oluşumuna etkileriXVI. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi Özetler Kitabı, MalatyaB. Koçak, B. Ş. Dalgıç, G. E. Özsoy, A. N. Bozcuk, H. Ünlü, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
56İki boyutlu fotonik kristal yapıların yansıma katsayılarının hesaplanmasıURSI-TÜRKİYE’2002 Birinci Ulusal KongresiE. Bağrı, F. Yalçın, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
57Sierpinski gasket fraktal anten analiziURSI-TÜRKİYE’2002 Birinci Ulusal KongresiD. Tokcan, U. Öztürk, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
58Scattering properties of fractal reflectarrayPIERS 2002, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, MA USA. S. Erdem, B. SakaConference paperJuly
59Neural network based nonlinear modeling of parabolic reflector : Estimation of direction of arrivalNATO Advanced Study Institute on Neural Networks for Instrumentation, Measurement, and Related Industrial ApplicationsA. Yılmaz, B. SakaConference paperOctober
60Elektromanyetik alanların Drosophila melanogaster’de mutasyon oluşumuna etkileriXII. Biyoteknoloji Kongresi Poster Özetleri Kitabı, Ayvalık, Balıkesir.A. N. Bozcuk, H. Ünlü, B. Saka, G. E. Özsoy, B. Kocak, B. Ş. DalgıçConference paperSeptember
61Design of multilayered cylindrical shields using a genetic algorithmIEEE Transaction on Electromagnetic CompatibilityM. H. Öktem, B. SakaJournal paperYesMay
62Reflection coefficient calculation of 1-D and 2-D photonic crystalsNATO Advanced Study Institute on Photonic Crystals and Light LocalizationF. Yalçın, B. SakaConference paperJune
63Genetic algorithm implementation for array-feed parabolic reflectorJournal of Electromagnetic Waves and ApplicationsB. SakaJournal paperYesNovember
64Çoklu katmanlı silindirik yapılarda ekranlama verimliliğiElektrik Mühendisliği 7. Ulusal KongresiM. H. Öktem, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
65Non-linear modelling of parabolic reflector: Neural networks approachElectromagneticsA. Yılmaz, B. SakaJournal paperUnspecifiedMarch
66Direction of arrival estimation and adaptive nulling in array-fed reflectorsIEEE MELECON-98B. Saka, A. KaderliConference paperMay
67Beam steering antenna design for low altitude radar systemsJournal of Electromagnetic Waves and ApplicationsB. Saka, E. Afacan, E. YazganJournal paperYesFebruary
68Pattern optimization of a reflector antenna with planar array feeds and cluster feeds IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagat.B. Saka, E. YazganJournal paperYesJanuary
69Application of Array Feed Reflector Antennas in Low Altitude Radars and Satellite Communication1st Symposium of Communication Electronics Information Systems in Military Forces (Invited Paper)E. Yazgan, B. Saka, E. AfacanConference paperMay
70Dizi beslemeli yansıtıcı antenlerin alçak irtifa radarları ve uydu haberleşmesinde uygulamaları MEBS SEMPOZYUMU 96E. Afacan, B. Saka, E. YazganConference paperMay
71Alçak İrtifa radarlarında ana hüzme taramalı yansıtıcı anten ile hedef izlenmesiElektrik Mühendisliği 6. Ulusal KongresiE. Afacan, B. Saka, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
72Yansıtıcı antenlerde Gabor transform ile Gaussian hüzme analiziElektrik, Elektronik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği 7. Ulusal KongresiB. Saka, U. Tekkeşin, A. Er, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
73Reflector antenna pattern improvement using optimized array feedCanadian Journal of PhysicsB. Saka, E. YazganJournal paperYesJuly
74A new beam steering antenna for low altitude radar systems Proceedings of the 1995 International Symposium on Electromagnetic TheoryB. Saka, E. Afacan, E. YazganConference paperMay
75Adaptive beam forming for array feed parabolic reflector JINA 94, International Symposium on Antennas Proc.B. Saka, E. YazganConference paperNovember
76Irregular terrain modeling for the low altitude radar applications IEEE MELECON-94E. Afacan, B. Saka, E. YazganConference paperApril
77Synthesis of parabolic reflector antenna patterns using optimized array feed ECSC-3 IEE Third Eurepean Conference on Satellite CommunicationsB. Saka, E. YazganConference paperNovember
78Dizi beslemeli parabol anten örüntüsüElektrik Mühendisliği 5. Ulusal KongresiB. Saka, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
79Design procedure for multi-beam reflector antennas in line of sight communication systemsProc. of XXIVth General Assembly of the Int. Union of Radio ScienceB. Saka, E. YazganConference paperSeptember
80Array fed parabolic reflector in satellite communications ICCME'93 Proc. of International Congress on Computational Methods In EngineeringB. Saka, E. YazganConference paperMay
81Odak dışı beslemenin reflektör performansında önemiElektrik Mühendisliği 4. Ulusal KongresiE. Yazgan, B. SakaConference paperSeptember
82Thick film high power attenuatorsIEEE MELECON-91B. Saka, E. YazganConference paperMay
83Thick-film 35 dB, 50 Watt attenuatorCOMCONEL'90 Proc. of Communications, Control and Electronics Conf.B. Saka, E. YazganConference paperDecember

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